Friday 23 December 2011

a dream dat i dreamt...

He was the perfect person. Someone every girl would want to have. The problem, however, was that she wasn’t among the ‘every’ girl list... She was ordinary and typical in the most unconventional way. She was all she wanted herself to be.
He met her. I don’t know how to write it.  It was HIS bad luck or she had a good day. I think I will stick to the former. Yes, it was his bad luck that he saw her and fell in love with her.
Standing on the library stairs, she saw him climbing them and making his way up to her. The weather was so cold, her whole face felt numb. With Blue jeans, white coat and snickers she looked like a statue standing still on the top.  As he climbed up he saw her rosy cheeks and pink nose and her dark eyes shinning for no reason. His heart melted at the sight at her. He loved her despite all the bad things and ugly incidents. He wanted to hold her hand and comfort her. He wanted to spend his life with her. If only she could understand.
As the distances shortened, she took her hand out of her pocket and just when he was one step down she extended it for him to hold. The gesture took him by surprise, nevertheless he took it and before anything could move in the surroundings and before he could take the next breath , the words came  out of his mouth, ‘ will you marry me?’
Everything was a blur as she ran past building on the road. It had started to rain. The already gloomy city had turned greyer. She hated herself for leaving him behind on those stairs alone, in the rain. But she knew that was the best gift she could give him.

Years later….

He took her hand and ordered her to close her eye. Why she found it so funny and started to laugh, no one knows :D
Lol… she just wanted to laugh because she was with the best guy in the world… and she was falling madly in love with him under that moment’s spell and she was loving everything about it. His smile and his voice that the winds were carrying away and his gentle touch and his twinkling eyes and his humor and his presence. 
He was the answer to all her prayers J