Sunday 9 September 2018

Oh my moment.

Leaving a part of me here in Passu - as always!!
What is it about this very spot that grips me so tight? Probably the fact that its so so far away from all the chaos of real world or may be its that very first look at Passu after dawn. The pull of this place is so strong, it makes all the distance worthwhile. 500 kilometers of dreaming until you reach this point, to live in this moment.
oh Passu, did God cast a loving glance at you after your creation because this magic is divine.  Your charm untouched, your spell inhumane. Why do I feel that if I climb on top of the mountain cone, I'd find God on the other side? nearer .. a touch away only..
Even in this moment when I am sitting alone in this cloudy morning in the middle of Karakoram Highway, HE is smiling down on me. I can feel his love seeping into my bones , making me glow ... I feel connected to Him , almost as if He is cradling my fragile self , rocking me into a bliss that was unheard of before this very instance. He knows that it has been days since I have properly prayed but my heart beats in rhythms that praise him, worship him, acknowledge him and surrender to him.. He knows that I am a darvish and my beloved is him but to make my soul dance, We both have to meet in Passu , at dawn.
These moments that are passing by are so precious. When will there be completeness like this ever again? Me, this perfumed air, the faint sound of  a distant river, Passu cones half covered in mist and God - smiling down on me..
Oh my beautiful moment, I wish I knew enough magic to crystallize you , fill you with light radiating from my core and keep you safe in a jar full of fireflies.
I will always cherish you and be grateful to you for choosing me as your person from among a world full of lovers, dreamers, charmers, leaders, pious and rich.. Thank you for opening yet another window for me; for aiding my journey towards completeness.