Tuesday 26 June 2012

Break ups

‘Breakup’ is the word that has very much become common in our lives. Every other day we get to hear about the breaks up our friends or friends of friends go through. But I think the word ‘break up’ should not be restricted to the people in a relationship, it also applies on those who are friends. Girl-girl, girl-boy or boy-boy, whatever is the case.
Since the day we gain conscious and step out in the world, we start to form our social circle. And inside the bigger social circle there is a smaller circle of people called ‘friends’. These are the people who are important; who you like very much and get absolutely attached to, and grow to love more with each passing day.
But life never remains the same. People change, situations change, scenarios change, behaviors change.
And that change is not always smooth; on the contrary it creates turbulence in many lives.
Break up leads to vows of never seeing each other again. Such decisions are hard to take and even harder to stand by. Also, they are among the saddest decisions of one’s life, from ’someone I know’ to ‘someone I knew’.
Forgetting someone is damn difficult. It takes a hell lot of courage and patience especially, if it’s all because of a stupid misunderstanding. That is the worst form of ending a relation that meant so much to you one time in life. Fight, it’s the best remedy for misunderstanding and never stay quiet. You’d lose all. we all deserve clarification and reassurance. 
Egos, for sure destroy the relations but nothing in this world is more important than your self-respect. Feel the difference.
Don’t let your ego kill what you built with love.
But once you feel that you have been chasing rainbows, decide in yourself that that’s it! You are done and through with this torture. The person who cannot give you a smile now, is highly unlikely to ever share your laughter.
But that won’t be an easy  journey. You will break down many times on your way and call that person, to see if there is any chance of a roundabout, you'd be stepping on your self esteem but I think that’s okay.
When you fall in love with someone, it only shows that how strongly you are capable of loving and how your heart is filled with the treasure of love and you are not stuck up to keep it all inside and not let it shower over people who surround you.
A broken heart takes many comforting words, many sleepless nights, a lot of tear shedding, tight hugs from best friend followed by episodes when u feel strong and when you feel like a complete loser because you care for a person who never cares back.
What is most important in this whole process is ‘faith in you’. One mustn’t loose heart over the fact that he/she is the desperate one, who is unable to let go of a jerk. Rather you are one wonderful person who has an ability to hold on to sinking ships.
Never think that loving a person made you ‘accessible’ or ‘easy’. There is not a single soul in this world that cannot be conquered by love. For when God made us, with all the other ingredients, he mixed a large bowl of love, and he had taken that bowl from his special secret cupboard of rare qualities. This is the only great quality he gave to every single person on planet earth.
And many years later, when the person who had hurt you the most in the world, meets you randomly on a busy street, forgive him/her. Forgive that person for being an ass , forgive him for the times when you counted on him the most and needed his support to get through harsh times. Trust me, it was his/her loss more than it was yours. Because it was he who, so easily, let go of one person who loved him unconditionally, cared for him immensely, prayed for him with every breath and anticipated well for him, no matter where or with whom. He is not worth even a tiny bit of space nor in your heart neither in your thoughts.
One person doesn’t define you. He/she doesn’t know the perfect person that resides in you. Just seeing you superficially couldn’t determine the depth. And if that person didn’t have time to explore you, he has no right in this world to be with you.
All those who want a strong relationship after one shake hand or phone call are desperate themselves, who just want a partner be it anyone. So why give up on yourself for a person who couldn’t even distinguish you from all the people on the street. If you do that, you’d be so wasting yourself because believe me, no one dies single. You get to meet your better half anyway.
There are many people who understand you and would give anything to see the bright smile you give that brightens up the whole room. They are your family.  Always there to support you and hold you when you are ready to kiss the ground.
Even if u do kiss the ground one time, don’t worry, when you stand up you will be much stronger a person, ready to deal with the world.

Thursday 7 June 2012

feel alive!

Stagnant water produces nothing but diseases...
this is what I said to the interviewer yesterday.

today I met one of the very smart people. The sort of a person who'd live near us but never gets noticed . and even if we do notice them we think of them as too different to interact. but i think that's not true . you can never tell what is inside a person's head unless n until you hear him/her speak. being judgemental sucks at times.
 i always believed that people help you open up and every person you meet opens up a world to you.
right now I am looking at beautiful shades of pink, red, orange, green and many more..

 I think I have always looked for the wrong sorts in my life.
I haven't connected with the right kind of people. and am glad I have just done it now.

what is the point of being a pessimist and a whiner?
life is much more than a few problems.

this world is such a beautiful place. ALLAH has created a wonder land but its such a shame that we have been bound and restricted. not having the liberty to travel across the borders and see things, feel things, perceive them, analyse and judge them and then make opinions.

m feeling bad about being stuck in a place more than ever.

I don't want to be stagnant in life and I want to thrive and shine. i don't want to let hurdle become blockages.
i don't want to accept the fact that i was born in a developing country with less opportunities for a common man. i want to change it.
and i will.

and if i cant do that, I'd die with regrets in my heart.
I'd waste my life, my talent and myself else.

and since i always dream big and aim high so i think someday i will achieve what i want.
and i am writing this at this hour as a proof that , yes i did dream about my future.

probably then i will look back and pat myself on shoulder :)

i am even smiling now, imagining all sorts of poses i'd make in front of the camera and the kind of dresses i will wear... LOL!!

so all of you out there.. no matter where you are living right now.. dream of a far away land with majestic architecture, rich culture, delicious food, soothing music, awesome beaches, exotic wildlife and whatever you can think of...

and if you don't achieve this dream, make sure you ease the path for others so that they can achieve their dreams through you and may be then you can live your dream too.. indirectly!

its all about you and its all about believing in yourself...


Wednesday 6 June 2012

Stories from my mind, heart and soul!: How I see it!

Stories from my mind, heart and soul!: How I see it!:   The most difficult profession in the world is of a writer. The hardest thing in life is to write about love. People think that its very ...

How I see it!

 The most difficult profession in the world is of a writer. The hardest thing in life is to write about love. People think that its very easy for the writers to create characters and a situation, let them meet and make them fall in love and then swirl the story round and TADA… and they live happily after all.
Well sorry to burst the bubble but its just the opposite. Writers are just as much humans as the readers. They go through the hardships of life and also get to face the worst situations which many of the audiences can’t even imagine. So thinking that we live on cloud number 9 is bullshit. People expect us to create wonders neglecting the fact that we are not supernatural.
But what makes us different is the ability to hold ourselves together even when we are hit pretty hard. We just hold the ground and don’t let go. We also get broken hearts and shattered confidence but we just pull ourselves back.
We lose people and we get betrayed too but we owe the strength to our skill. So instead of crying ourselves to death, we wipe our tears and create something positive which seems to be the hardest thing at the moment but we know that we have to use our pen power to give something to the people out there in the world who are waiting to lean on someone’s words.  
So we write… about love, hope, happiness, a smile, twinkling stars and dreams. About colors and rainbows, autumn sceneries and spring sprouts. When in real we have just lost the love of our life and are experiencing pangs of pain.
No one sees beyond the words.  No one reads between the lines. We suffer with our characters but we let them live on when in real,we are dying of the same tragedy. we do this because we feel the responsibility of hundreds of dreams that a reader might have associated with a particular character.

We know that no court in the world is going to charge us for death sentence if we let the hero die or never let the lovers meet. But we never do the obvious logical bad endings.
Ever wondered about the magical ending of the movies and novels? Whatever may be the calamity, everything gets well in the end.
You know why writers make such a fool of themselves by giving happy endings to every single novel? Because we are here to ease the pains and difficulties of the most trodden road of life.
Honestly sometimes I want to write about the actual life. The way it is. Where nothing goes right but no, m not allowed.
I am not allowed to use my skill to upset people who read my words. I am not allowed by my heart. Which is broken and bleeding itself but still cares about others.
And I also know that people take inspirations. We do too. So no one has a right to shut the door of hope on some one’s face.
So, don’t disregard the LOVE STORIES you are so tired of hearing and reading.
Most of the time they are written in blood.
If you are a girl, Be a Disney princess and dream about prince charming.
If you are a boy, then be that prince charming.
Anticipate well for yourself.
Let others work inspire you because inspiration brings out the hidden world in your. The true you needs uncovering and only you can do it for yourslef, noone else.  Do that and use every single mean available.
Don’t give up on yourself. No matter how typical it is for a girl to like pink color , if you love pink be loud and clear about it.
Life is too short to create problems… For yourself and for others.
It’s even shorter to love others. Don’t waste your time today on things that you will regret tomorrow. Your heart always tells the truth. The tiny miny little voice that we often neglect is actual the inner bell that shows the right path. Hear for it and follow the direction. You’ll end up in heaven.
 Take care of yourself and don’t let others distort  you. Don’t go searching for your type from one person to another. Be sacred in yourself and you will attract your better half like a magnet.
Some dreams are your personal. Don’t rely on others to fulfill your dreams for you.
Stand up for yourself, that’s when others will get to know what’s in your head!
Respect everyone because everyone deserves it.
Be honest with people; don’t lead them into false believing by not being staright and fair to them.
Don’t break hearts.
And in the end …
 Love to the fullest and don’t hold yourself back … ever! May be this time is the last time you are getting a chance to speak…