Thursday 7 June 2012

feel alive!

Stagnant water produces nothing but diseases...
this is what I said to the interviewer yesterday.

today I met one of the very smart people. The sort of a person who'd live near us but never gets noticed . and even if we do notice them we think of them as too different to interact. but i think that's not true . you can never tell what is inside a person's head unless n until you hear him/her speak. being judgemental sucks at times.
 i always believed that people help you open up and every person you meet opens up a world to you.
right now I am looking at beautiful shades of pink, red, orange, green and many more..

 I think I have always looked for the wrong sorts in my life.
I haven't connected with the right kind of people. and am glad I have just done it now.

what is the point of being a pessimist and a whiner?
life is much more than a few problems.

this world is such a beautiful place. ALLAH has created a wonder land but its such a shame that we have been bound and restricted. not having the liberty to travel across the borders and see things, feel things, perceive them, analyse and judge them and then make opinions.

m feeling bad about being stuck in a place more than ever.

I don't want to be stagnant in life and I want to thrive and shine. i don't want to let hurdle become blockages.
i don't want to accept the fact that i was born in a developing country with less opportunities for a common man. i want to change it.
and i will.

and if i cant do that, I'd die with regrets in my heart.
I'd waste my life, my talent and myself else.

and since i always dream big and aim high so i think someday i will achieve what i want.
and i am writing this at this hour as a proof that , yes i did dream about my future.

probably then i will look back and pat myself on shoulder :)

i am even smiling now, imagining all sorts of poses i'd make in front of the camera and the kind of dresses i will wear... LOL!!

so all of you out there.. no matter where you are living right now.. dream of a far away land with majestic architecture, rich culture, delicious food, soothing music, awesome beaches, exotic wildlife and whatever you can think of...

and if you don't achieve this dream, make sure you ease the path for others so that they can achieve their dreams through you and may be then you can live your dream too.. indirectly!

its all about you and its all about believing in yourself...


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