Saturday 15 September 2012


‘do something’
I have been urging myself for so long now but all in vain.its not that I have nothing to write. I am still full of words and stories but I don’t have any strength left to write even when I want to. There are so many things I want to say to so many people but its as if my lips are sealed.
I know I am not writing anything worthy here but I don’t care anymore. I am facing a blind end in my life at the moment. May be I will get over this feeling in a day or two or may be this feeling will stay for a good long time, who knows.
There comes a time in your life when you all of a sudden don’t care. Your heart might still be bleeding over the pains of past or your mind might still be calculating the daily on goings but emotionally you feel dead.
For me, its stopping. Taking a break.
From the moment we step into society we are caught up in a race.
Run fast, faster faster…………….. until you drop dead.
That’s called race of life!
But really? Do we actually want this from our precious , only once given life?
What happened to the old concepts of contentment and peace of mind, Love and sincerity? Replaced by chanel, Gucci and Alexander McQueen?
Don’t answer! No matter how vigorously we deny this, the truth is that we all dream to have bigger homes, bigger cars, bigger bank balances…
We really don’t have enough TIME.
We have everything but no time to enjoy it, no time to stop and look around that who we are leaving behind, who feels what or whatever.
But is this all worth it?
Ask about me and I want to go back to older times. 
When people mattered the most in life.
When it was important not to break hearts and trusts.
When it wasn’t okay to leave behind your home and loved ones for money.
I want to be a part of that old non technical world where although people were not connected through telephones and internet but intuitions connected them.
I wish to go back to the era where I would have mattered for someone. 
Where people were NOT choices and options but precious beings.
I know this sounds like a piece of shit but it’s still better than feeling like one.
I don’t know when I will be back to my normal self but if you seriously ask me , I’d say “ Too bad we are not kids anymore where every wound would heal and everything would be forgotten. At this age, the damages are permanent!”

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