Saturday 12 December 2015

Hide and seek.

"Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a gigantic swirl of a tornado and it's going round and round?The motion is so fast and painful and even when your whole body is screaming and begging it to stop, its not stopping, because its a tornado and tornadoes don't listen!!"

Contrary to her words, it was peaceful everywhere. The grayish sky with a tinge of pinkish glow, the sound of birds returning home, rustling of leaves whenever a little wind blew... definitely peaceful.!
The air was chilly , but the blue cardigan and hot  mug of tea was making up for the cold.
While writing her diary, she wasn't crying, wasn't even complaining. She was merely stating the fact. The current condition of her, which was so obviously hidden and sounded like an apologetic lie whenever she voiced it to the people who she thought might care.
They did though. They were good people but she wanted more. Something fulfilling, something thrist quenching... For some parts of the day, her desperation was so overwhelming that her whole self almost seemed to succumb to it. She wanted to flush out all the responsibilities and just be herself.
She, the way she was.. The no-strings-attached she!

"Too long the life has played. Ain't it my turn yet? but do I have it in me to play, if i get a chance? I want the life to be with me on the same team. Enough of the hide and seek now. " She put her blue fountain pen down on the book , rested her head on the high back of her favorite sofa and closed her eyes.

Oh boy, did the fate had a good laugh over this !

 " You poor poor soul ... " the fate nodded its head and whispered. "Its only the beginning. The good part is yet to come..... "

At the same moment, she felt a pang in her heart. She opened her eyes instantly and looked around. Everything seemes as normal as 5 seconds ago.
"What was this then?" she wondered! "What's fate upto now!?" she thought bitterly.

"A lot!!" Fate grinned, 

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