Thursday 5 July 2012

someone like you

He left me while i stood on a deserted road... empty handed with an empty heart, bewildered, scared and lost.
'Why did you do this?" i wanted to shake the answer out of his sealed lips.  i hated his silences more than ever at that moment. ' speak for God's sake, say something' i was crying bitterly but nothing i did brought him back.

Days passed in a haze.nothing interested me and i wasn't interested in anything at all too.  as much as i wanted the world to end everything looked [pretty much the same to me each day. i stared out of my apartment window , i saw neon signs , flashy advertisements, people coming n going, girls giggling, boys hanging out and couples strolling happily...

i spent 2 weeks of my life sitting on the naked floor reminiscing, shedding fresh tear on the same thing everyday, thinking of all  the possibilities that would bring him back to me. i live in my past and ignored everything around me.i wasted 336 hours of my life over someone who wasn't coming back

and finally one day, it dawned upon me that i am at mistake. my attitude is causing me and only me the misery.

'Even if he does show up now, will things be the same between you two' my heart asked me. ' will you be able to overcome the humiliation you felt and will it ease the pain? will it bring back the lost time of your precious life and earn you the smiles in compensation of the tears?and above all will you be able to trust him again, like you did previously?'


then why am i in mourning? why aren't i moving on?

'look around yourself girl, look at the life that is dancing at each footstep. if He can live without you, why cant you?' i told myself.

i looked into the mirror and saw a strained, tear streaked face of a girl who had the pain of betrayal and lost love in her eyes but i knew soon enough, i am going to replace this reflection with a girl having the glow of success and happiness on her face and eyes shinny like stars on a velvety sky!

since then i have become the hero for myself...
Never mind i'll find someone like you
i wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me i beg, i remember you said
sometimes it lasts in love
but sometimes it hurts instead

i often miss him but doesn't mean that i want him back. just a random thought and a little sense of gratitude for letting me know my worth, giving me a chance to discover myself.. and making me understand that he didn't leave me,
                                                     it was all meant to be....

BTW, you can do it too... its all about re prioritizing your life and putting yourself at the top!


  1. only 2 weeks!! hw abt 2 yrs...?

  2. Loved it... Reading it third time

  3. 2 years?? i wouldnt let anyone waste that much time over this... na ji!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. dats so unfair to forget ur lov n lovly moments in jus 2 weeks! only two things make relation....Time or Maricle..! dats so unfair with lov to forget it in no time....!

  6. yeh kahan likha hai k bhool gai?? its just that she stood up for herself... its impossible to forget but its very much possible to collect yourself again and start to live a normal life... there is a difference..
