Saturday 11 June 2011


People on streets, no traffic, markets closed, green bandanas on head, emotions in the air, passion in the eyes, anger in gestures, the ‘do or die’ aura around masses and only one demand on the lips of so many “ inqalaab, inqalaab”
Govt trying to control the situation, usage of tear gas and shells to dismiss the crowd, fire opened on innocent protestors, many killed, hundreds injured. No use, no result!

I was among the protestors wearing the green sign proudly. I shouted ‘inqalaab’ till my throat started to hurt. This went on for days without any result. It seemed to go on forever and ever…
I felt tired but enthusiastic also for it was the only solution to the disparity of our society. “Inqalaab, inqalaab” I shouted along with my fellow protestors. “Inqalaab, inqalaab” my voice started to grow fainter. My soul gradually left my body. I felt it go distant…

It was a life time before I finally felt intact but no one around me seemed to notice. I saw the whole scene with a new insight and began to retrieve my footsteps until I was away from the crowd still demanding ‘inqalaab’

I lay awake staring in the sky. The word had just stuck to my mind. My soul had seen it with the eye of a third person and the report said: “you are asking for something you have no idea about. Who are you addressing? The govt? You want the officials to resign? Will it solve your problem?”

There were so many questions and no answer. I was going ballistic searching for them but all I could see was dark.

I begged Al-Mighty, my source of solace and my last resort to help me. A word popped in my head: “IQRA”

So I set out for a new journey and as I read the last line of the biography of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H), I smiled.

Inqabaab – change and that too drastic.

That is what we want and that is something we are ready to die for… right?
Wrong! Because surprisingly it is a very peaceful process and requires zero blood shedding. The only requirement is dedication and will power, for it starts with bringing a change in your own self.

Analyze your personality keeping Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) as standard and you will know what is lacking in us which is proving to be a hurdle in the way of inqalaab.

Right now the sins we commit and the bad habits we own are not any individual’s problem rather it has become a national dilemma. Every one in our society indulges into lying, cheating, embezzlement, bribery, deceiving and what not. We commit sins that are in our reach and that too with justifications.  We even have the nerve to mold our religion 
according to our own will.

"All the sins of my followers will be forgiven except those which are
disclosed to the people. For example a person commits a sin at night
and though Allah screens it from the public, in the morning he says.
"O so-and-so, I did such-and-such evil deed"
Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 980 Book 78, Chapter 60 Narrated by Ibn Umar (r.a.)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) cursed the one who bribes and the one who takes bribe.
Sunan of Abu Dawood Hadith No. 1595 Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As

"The most hated person in the sight of Allah is the most quarrelsome person."
Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 003 Book 043 Hadith number 637           Narrated by Aisha (r.a.)

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaahu Anhu) narrates, in a hadith, that the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three; whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; if you have trust in him, he proves to be dishonest.

Abdullah bin 'Abbas narrates in one hadith, "Abu Sufyan bin Harb informed me that Heraclius had sent a messenger to him while he had been accompanying a caravan from Quraish. They were merchants doing business in Sham, at the time when Allah's Apostle(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) had truce with Abu Sufyan and Quraish infidels. So Abu Sufyan and his companions went to Heraclius at Ilya (Jerusalem). Heraclius called them in the court and he had all the senior dignataries around him. He called for his translator who, translating Heraclius's question said to them, "Who amongst you is closely related to that man who claims to be a Prophet?" Abu Sufyan replied, "I am the nearest relative to him (amongst the group)." Heraclius said, "Bring him (Abu Sufyan) close to me and make his companions stand behind him." Abu Sufyan added, Heraclius told his translator to tell my companions that he wanted to put some questions to me regarding that man (The Prophet) and that if I told a lie they should contradict me." Abu Sufyan added, "By Allah! Had I not been afraid of my companions labelling me a liar, I would not have spoken the truth about the Prophet(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). The first question he asked me about him was 'What is his family status amongst you?' I replied, "He belongs to a good (noble) family amongst us." Heraclius further asked, "Has anybody amongst you ever claimed the same (i.e. to be a Prophet) before him?" I replied, "No." He said, "Was anybody amongst his ancestors a king?" I replied, "No." Heraclius asked, "Do the nobles or the poor follow him?" I replied, "It is the poor who follow him." He said, "Are his followers increasing or decreasing (day by day)?" I replied, "They are increasing." He then asked, "Does anybody amongst those who embrace his religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?" I replied, "No." Heraclius said, "Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim (to be a Prophet)?" I replied, "No." Heraclius said, "Does he break his promises?" I replied, "No. We are at truce with him but we do not know what he will do in it." I could not find opportunity to say anything against him except that. Heraclius asked, "Have you ever had a war with him?" I replied, "Yes." Then he said, "What was the outcome of the battles?" I replied, "Sometimes he was victorious and sometimes we." Heraclius said, "What does he order you to do?" I said, "He tells us to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship anything along with Him, and to renounce all that our ancestors had said. He orders us to pray, to speak the truth, to be chaste and to keep good relations with our kith and kin."

This is the inqalaab, we are searching for on the streets and in our demands of resigns.  We all are the same. If this current govt does resign others with same sins, same intentions, same level of corruption will take over. We need to take the social evil out from the root and believe me it has its roots in our hearts too!

“…It was asked, ‘will we be destroyed whilst the righteous are amongst us?’ He (s.a.w) said, ‘Yes, if the corruption increases (beyond bounds)
[Saheeh al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of Zaynab bint Jahsh about the Ya’jooj]”

We need to get our facts straight before blindly following the one with Inqalaab as a slogan.

We are in dire need of change of heart. The test is not to say I believe in Allah, the Exalted rather is to stay firm on this statement. With us, we change with every moment, our heart changes and that's why this is called Qalb (heart) meaning overturns. This was the reason that our Prophet, Sallaho Aleikhe wasallam, frequently used to make doa'
 "O, Allah, the One who changes the heart, make my heart steadfast on your religion".

These difficult moments are a must-part of every one's life (Muslim or otherwise) and Allah, the Exalted says
“Verily, along with every hardship is relief, verily, along with every hardship is relief."  (Surah Alm Nashra: 5-6)

May Allah help us walk on the true path. Amen.

[i would like to acknowledge Dr Tahir Amin who wrote the last lines for me to understand ]


  1. According to Islam: "as you are as rulers upon you" then there is no second option for inqalab (shortcut change).
    you are right, we should change individually ourself but how we can change another individual? what should be approach? There are many people who know individual should change his/her self, they also want to convey their message but they don't have proper channel or platform.

    can you suggest proper channel or platform?

  2. I suggest you one thing, read and listen to Hassan Nisar's Columns and Videos respectively because he focus on individual no doubt sometimes he goes wrong.

  3. this is a place where i write about my opinions. i dont want my thoughts to be influenced my someone. i might be wrong, but i'd still want to learn n correct myself through experience.

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