Saturday 27 April 2013


Yesterday was my birthday. My 24th birthday to be precise. Funny how quickly the time has passed. Like you know I am actually so grown up there is no other way except finally accepting the fact. like seriously in coming 5 , 6 years i might be using anti-aging cream.. hahaha .scary. Never in my life did i want a stop watch more!
I have left behind immaturity, silliness, loads n loads of emotions, my narrow vision, stupidity, childish behavior and God knows what.
I have started to surprise myself now with the amount of maturity , a new level of intellect, the situation analysis capabilities, the strength, the vision, the decision making power... i feel like my mother in so many ways. That little kid in me is just fading away... everyday.. and it feels like i am edging towards a newer version of me... I have to admit that i am little scared to meet her! Who knows what she'll make me do.. What if she is really uncool?
I started this blog to state about the awesome day I had yesterday with my friends. You know when I was a kid I used to see my friends blowing candles on their birthday cakes, i never got  a chance to do that. That wasnt our family tradition but i always wanted it. I guess we all want it.. Who wouldn't want to blow candles on the cake while everybody is clapping and singing the birthday song and the you get to make a wish too...
I got my wish yesterday.. I cut the cake while my friends clapped and sung .. and the weather was so good. the winds and drizzle and lightning .. It was perfect!
I had never thought for once that i'd be celebrating my 24th birthday in Islamabad. Life is too long to make early judgement.
I dont want this post to be philosophical but like i said i feel like the mature part of me is trying to take over the silly childish impulsive writer in me.. but then again, 24th birthday blow has hit me pretty hard and its too early to say anything about the damages. Once the effects wear off i might realise that nothing has changed and i survived the blow but until then...  i am a little dazed..
SHOOTS! i want to mention that how awesome yesterday was... everybody wished me... they made me feel on the top of the world and i felt like the luckiest person on the earth!
There were people i missed  a hell lot also.. my sister who was abroad, my mom, my siblings , my frnds... my Grandmother...
some called me , some couldnt... and there were some who could have called and chose not too and some shouldnt have but still did...
so i got a taste of everything:)
that's life.. it keeps throwing situations at your face, "deal with them, man!" It shouts and then what choice do you have?
Growing up is like achieving the next level in games. you have more power and your tasks are difficult too.
One time a little student of mine stated that " Ma'am I want to be of your age. You have money and you know things and you have beautiful clothes and you dont have to do homework. you can do what you like!"
It made me smile. I just couldnt tell that Its not this simple baby.

Anyway... its just that no matter how much we wish for it, time is never gonna stop. and lets face it We have switched teams from teenagers to early twenties to almost mid twenties.. we are moving on n on!
And the best we can do about it to make it a good move on.. Use our knowledge, education, skill and humanity to the best of our abilities and strive for a change... not in other people's life,or in society but in ourselves.. we are all flawed .. Let's heal ourselves!

Btw that was my birthday wish too.... " let me be healed!"

Happy birthday ! =)

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