Monday 10 June 2013

So yesterday

I was into this guy since forever. I know this sounds a bit too cheesy but all through my freshman year I just stared at him from behind the pillars and statues, never finding enough courage to walk up to him and blurt it out.  No, I am not a chicken, I am just… careful!
OK, fine.. maybe I AM a little scared but ..hey, it’s just  normal to be a bit of a chicken! L
He was in the football team. I have never been a football fan but I went to each and every match he played, JUST to cheer him.. Not that he knew I was there cheering for him but still for my own satisfaction or rather the satisfaction of that stupid love struck girl in me. Whatever! I was there anyway.   
And the strangest thing is that he never noticed my obsession. He never acknowledged the coincidence that I would just happen to be everywhere he went. It was like I don’t exist, which made me feel ummm invisible.
One day, my best friend Jesse came up to me with an offer, nnaaaahh, not to go out with him, he would rather swallow his toe than do that. He is my best friend since kindergarten. He asked me to sing for him. I mean actually sing for him. U know where you have all the people playing instruments and the music papers are arranged and a mike and a recording.. ummm yea, so you have an idea now..  *clearing my throat* so yeah, he came and asked me to sing which was very surprising because Jesse usually really loves to shut me up.
I agreed of course. I mean I was so busy with my term papers and all but Only because of jesse who insisted vigorously that I sing, I accepted his offer. I wasn’t interested otherwise. Who wants all the fame and papparazi? And people asking for your autographs and you get to wear those awesome designer clothes and get invited to the Oscars.. yaayyy..  I honestly did it for jesse only.  
By the time I entered my sophomore year, I was over  the initial shock of my university life and was very much back to my normal self who didn’t scare people off with expressions and vocabulary and not to mention sense of humor and failed attempts to look cooler than an iceberg.
I had died a lock of my hair in blue which suited my brunette hair. My signatures style was pretty much back and I felt totally at ease.  Jesse and me were having a great time doing all the music stuff after school. My grades were going very good, I loved my subject, my teachers loved me, life was great.
It was a nice summer day, I was wearing my favorite pink trousers with the white shirt which said ‘I am the princess of everything’ ..  haha.. I know a bit too much but who cares. I was walking down the hallway towards the library when out of nowhere that cute guy appeared. Oh did I mention his name? it was Micheal.  Yes, Micheal came right out of nowhere and stood right infront of me and gave me his best smile which melted my heart like chocolate and of course I pretended not to recognize him when in real I was about to tap dance. ‘yes?” I asked with a straight face which was the most difficult thing to do.
‘Maggie? Is it?”  he flashed that smile again. Gosh!
‘ how are you  Maggie?’
‘M fine. Sorry but do I know you?”  YES, my heart screamed. ‘He is the one you dream about, remember?’
‘ Me?’ he sounded a bit shocked which was understandable because everybody in the campus knew him. ‘Oh yea, sorry. My name is Micheal. Micheal kepner.’
‘ Oh what can I do for you micheal?’ my innocent smile . he stared at me for a second and said ‘I … was just wondering what are you doing this Saturday?’
‘OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!’ My insides screamed with such intensity that I suspected that he would hear them talking to me which would sound really creepy.
‘I am free , actually’ I replied very calmly.
‘Great.  So how about ummm going to movies and grabbing a bite?’
‘sounds good.’
‘Great. Pick you at 8?’
And as he went in the opposite direction, I snapped out of that state and realized what had actually happened. He asked me out. Micheal asked me out!
Where’s my stupid phone, I got to tell Jesse… but of course Jesse is at his stupid job. I left him a message.
My first date with Micheal went great.  He was actually a very nice guy.  I loved him, I mean I loved him even before he asked me out but now I loved him differently.. Think of it as my level 2 love. A bit more intense.
And this romance could have gone on forever had Micheal not started dropping off hints. Urrgh, as much I am open and all, there is this phobia. I am sure it has no name because its undiscovered mainly due to the fact that only I have it in this whole world and I haven’t told anyone yet.  Iets just say that I am allergic to proximity. I mean too much of it.
Especially when it’s asked for repeatedly and too soon and from the person I really like. It annoys me. And I discussed it with Jesse. He totally agreed with me. It really helps to have his opinion in life because that makes me feel so un-freaky. I mean , two people can’t be wrong about one thing, right?
At the same time, the album me and jesse had recorded.. it went viral. People actually listened to those songs over which I insulted jesse so much. They sounded dud at that time, literally. I am sure, the success was all because of my magical voice but of course I didn’t take all the credit. Jesse deserved 5%. After all, He convinced me to sing.
That year was so happening for me and I was so happy. Nothing could have been better than this. It was my birthday and I was invited to Michael’s parent’s small shack for a special celebration. He had arranged a party just for me. I was still with him, keeping him at a hand’s distance. I really liked him.
Everything was perfect until I reached with the limits of the front porch, from where I could just listen to every word Micheal was saying to his friend. The invisible guests had already rung a bell but I had a little hope in me that they’d be hiding in the corners waiting to surprise me with the balloons and all but I guess Micheal actually meant it when he said I’d be surprised.
I didn’t go inside. Of course, I wasnt about to walk into a trap. Do I look stupid?
I returned and he kept calling me but I didn’t receive any. I was with Jesse, crying my eyes out. I felt so insulted. For the first time in my life, I felt like a piece of flesh and not a human. It took me days to snap out of that misery. Jesse struck by me, encouraging me to let it pass. But how could I? I loved and respected a person and all along he kept thinking about me as a commodity. The horror of the plan was still in me.
And the fact that he kept calling me, telling me that I was the one who broke his dreams . The fact that everything was shattered because of me. I was the reason that it hadn’t worked out and that he loved me!
After a few weeks, we had our first musical evening. Once again Jesse convinced me to do it saying that my time was too precious to be wasted like that. That I deserved better and that I shouldnt let a scumbag destroy me. Jesse was right.
At the night of the show, I felt confident but a part of me wasn’t ready. I concealed that part.
The show was going awesome. The crowd was amazing and the response was overwhelming. I was enjoying all the attention when from the stage I saw Micheal, making his way to the dance floor with a blond girl. What a nerve!
I kept my cool and finished the song. After that I went to Jesse and let him in on my plan. The un-ready part of me, was fuming now. I had reached my threshold. Payback time.
After a minute, when the music started, I spoke in the mike
‘This song is dedicated to the person I respected, who  turned out to be a creep. I loved him and he knew it and didn’t respect that. And right now he is standing in the crowd with another girl.’ As I said those words everyone turned and looked directly at Micheal. We were together, it was an open secret. I saw that blond girl taking two steps back from him. It made me smile.
And I sang:
You can say you're bored - if you wanna
You can act real tough - if you wanna
You can say you're torn
But I've heard enough

Thank you... you made my mind up for me
When you started to ignore me
Do you see a single tear
It isn't gonna happen here
At least not today, not today, not today

If you're over me, I'm already over you
If it's all been done, what is left to do
How can you hang up if the line is dead
If you wanna walk, I'm a step ahead
If you're moving on, I'm already gone
If the light is off then it isn't on
At least not today, not today, not today”

Jesse hugged me, re assured me. I wiped off my tear!
The show was a success!
Some people are so not worth all the attention in life because no matter how hard you try they will always stab you in the back and no matter how much u want to keep them, they will find a way and slither out. That’s in their nature. So when u come across any such person, don’t take the blame. Shield yourself, believe in yourself and don’t stagger! Some people are like infection. They invade your body, occupy it for some time and eventually leave you for good!
And what happened next? With Jesse around, guess it yourself. J

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