Saturday 28 May 2011

An Army man!

August 1965:
“It’s been 5 years since we are married” she thought with a smile. She knew that it was impossible for him to remember the occasion and she was too clever to throw any hint at him. She loved taking him by surprise.
She had already wrapped the gifts, one for their anniversary and the other for his promotion. She loved the sight of newly added star on his collar. She was brought back to the real world when her 3 year old daughter started to cry. Wania was a cute lil baby with pink cheeks and eyes like her baba. The baby laughed so hard every time he threw her in the air and she landed safely in his strong arms.
As soon as the evening fell, she set the table and spent the rest of the time getting ready. She couldn’t decide the color, the dress, hair style.. “ God! I am behaving like a school girl” but she had to admit that getting ready for him excited her today just as it did on day one. She loved him.
Finally when she was all ready, she quietly went in the dinning room and sat there, waiting for him.

He honked the horn once, twice but nobody came to the door. “where is everyone?” after ten minutes, he helped himself with the gate but an uneasy feeling had already settled in. he couldn’t hear wania or her or even tv. The house was quiet like nobody had ever lived there. He quietly came forward and instead of going from the front door, he used the door that opened in dinning room. As soon as he clicked the handle, it opened with a little creaking sound. “What the………………!!” a shower of flowers fell on him and lights came on at the very same instant.
He saw a beautifully decorated table with a cake and candles. Standing besides the table was one of the most gorgeous ladies, he’d ever seen.
His heart filled with pride and love at the sight. He knew that this life time won’t be enough to thank this lady for her support and love.

September 1965:

It was the 3rd war between Pakistan its rival by birth India. It created a havoc in the country but also stirred snoozing unity. People suddenly were living machine guns, the bullets were somehow more powerful than they were meant to be, morals were touching the skies and it seemed like some unseen force was at work. Noone was thinking of him/herself. It was just one concern in all the four corners of country: Pakistan and its safety!
Women, who must have given their every penny to get hold of a gold chain or ear rings, took no time in giving them to the government for buying weapon n bullets. Sons who were ‘noor ul aain’ for mothers were motivated to go to the front and fight the enemy. Children were given water jugs and made to stand on the roads so that no fighter would go thirsty. One hooter could bring about the black out and pin drop silence in the whole city.
Major was called on duty the very next morning at the Batala front. She stayed awake all night and kept looking at his face. Even in sleep she could sense a faint smile on his lips. She could feel the bright light that was hidden behind the closed eyelids. She offered her Tahajd and remembered nothing but her land while praying. She even forgot her daily prayer. At 4:30 he got up, offered his prayers and got ready to go. She tied ‘Imam zamin’ on his right arm. He kissed little wania on forehead. She must have disliked the intrusion in her sleep but after a loving pat went back to sleep.
“Fi aman Allah” . there wasn’t anything else to say. All the words were lost somewhere.they didn’t matter at that time anyway.  Her heart swelled with pride, looking at his strong back and firm stride.

4 days later:
The door bell rang. She opened it to find a uniformed officer standing outside. “Are you Major Sahab’s wife?”
“No.” she replied in a steady voice. “I am Shaheed Major’s Wife”
the young officer bowed his head.: Either with respect or at the sight of her. She couldn’t tell. She received the Nation Flag with much pride. 2 stray tears rolled out of her eyes. She didn’t make any effort to clean her face. These tears were for him, his love. He deserved them. Her last ever gift to him, who was no more with her in life.

2 months later:
She gave birth to a beautiful and healthy son. Looking at her son’s face, she secretly searched for another face. She could hear him talking excitedly about his son, his plans for their son and so much more. She congratulated him silently.
Wania came in and sat beside her. She smiled when she tried to poke a finger at her brother’s eyes. “Baba kahan hain?”
: “ALLAH JEE k pass.”

[A] martyr’s privileges are guaranteed by Allah; forgiveness with the first gush of his blood, he will be shown his seat in paradise, he will be decorated with the jewels of belief, married off to the beautiful ones, protected from the test in the grave, assured security in the day of judgment, crowned with the crown of dignity, a ruby of which is better than this whole world and its entire content, wedded to seventy-two of the pure Houris (beautiful women of Paradise) and his intercession on the behalf of seventy of his relatives will be accepted.

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