Thursday 5 May 2011

OSAMA in Abbottabad

some distant noise growing nearer... i heard them in my sleep but i was too deep asleep to give it any meaning. who cares was past one in the night. and just the moment when i was about to slip back into my unconscious, a HUGE sound hit my ears ( felt like it had hit me on my head). i woke up in bewilderment, more from the fact that something heavy had landed on me, only to discover that it was my younger sister who had jumped for her life (not thinking about the danger she had posed me : suffocation) i freed myself from her grasp and tried to analyse the situation. :" very odd" Abbottabad is usually very calm and public ears are not used to such unusual noises and sounds. i would have blamed thunder for causing it but the clear night sky was too obvious to ignore. my elder sister rushed in and told me in a troubled voice :" i think the Indians have attacked us!" (thanks heaven, it was just a silly thought). Dad claimed it to be SSG exercise (We live in Academy) and that it aint a big deal..LOL.. in next fifteen minutes it was clear that it is actually a VERY big deal. It was all over the electronic media.. A heli crash!?
 of course those were my very own remarks. i mean what else would you expect if something this horrible wakes u up in the middle of the night. So, i called my cousin who fortunetly or unfortunetly ( i can't decide)lives very near to the place of crash. "ok! so it was a heli and it did crash. people injured, area sealed,forces have taken charge, no media allowed, no people allowed beyond a certain point, not a bird can fly without showing id card and special permission.. ya Right!"
and the next day's sun comes up.. excited and bursting to tell the whole world the news of the decade. OSAMA BIN LADEN HAS BEEN FOUND AND ASSASSINATED IN ABBOTTABAD BY AMERICAN FORCES.
Duh! off all the places in the world he chose Atd!?what the... diabetes must have damaged his brain cells. but then again it wasn't a bad choice given that the weather over here is extremely pleasant and atmosphere is very peaceful.
Me and my fellows kept on thinking about the possibilities of seeing Osama at the famous Ilyasi Mosque treating himself well with fine pakoras and a cup of tea:D
or who knows how many times we must have had the privilege to travel with him in the local transport or all the baba jees we see in winters wrapped tightly in shawls, one of them could be Osama, out to get some winter sun. Oh shoots! i lived so near to a celebrity and couldnt even manage an autograph? let alone a picture =(
Btw what impressed my mom the most was the fact that even when he was on the run, he kept his wives and
children with him. like a real man :"Oh it is so responsible of him! All men should learn a lesson or two from him. i am impressed!" (MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!)
All the TV channels, print media, social pages, blogs,mobile msgs, everything revolved around two things. Osama and Abbottabad. OK! we are famous now but do we need all this paparazzi? I was so at peace living in Abbottabad, and now the whole world knows where i live... LOVELY!
Ending on a serious note, i am sure that whole of the world would agree with me on this. America may be a superpower in their own eyes but this doesnt give them the right to disgrace other nations and countries. our country's sovreignity should have been respected. although we have corrupt leader, bad governance, poor administration, economy is going down the gutters even then.... why shouldn't america be hated? 3000 americans were killed in WTC.8 lakh muslims have paid for this with their blood.. what else is the cost?

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